EFNÍS Conference 2024

The 10th national Efnís conference will be held in collaboration with FÍN (Félag íslenskra náttúrufræðinga) on Friday, October 25th. The conference will focus on the theme Chemistry in Iceland – education, research and industry. Although presentations that relate to this theme are especially welcome, all chemistry-related presentations are welcome.


This year, the conference will take place at Fosshótel Reykjavík (Þórunnartún 1) in the Gullfoss A room.


The conference will be held the whole day of October 25th, with a conference dinner in the evening. It is possible to join just for the presentations and poster sessions, just for the conference dinner (to be held at Icelandair Hotel Natura), or you can join for everything.


There will be three types of presentations at the conference:

  • Plenary seminars
  • Micro seminars
  • Poster presentations: There will also be poster sessions at the end of the day. Presenters are asked to be at their posters at least for half an hour to present their posters and answer questions, and then they also have time to look at other posters.


Prices for Efnís and FÍN members
Conference package 1 (includes dinner) – 15.000 kr
Conference package 2 (without dinner) – 7.000 kr
Conference dinner only – 8.000 kr

Prices for non-Efnís/FÍN members
Conference package 1 – includes dinner – 20.000 kr
Conference package 2 – without dinner – 10.000 kr
Conference dinner – 10.000 kr
Efnís membership fees – 5.000 kr

After registration, attendees with an Icelandic kennitala will get a bill in their online bank depending on their registration. Other attendees will get an e-mail with information about how they should pay the conference cost.
*Other Efnís members will get a bill in their online bank for the membership fees (3,000 ISK).

Registration and abstract submission

You can register for the conference at this link. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is October 4th, 2024.

A template for the abstract can be found here, with instructions in the template: Abstract template


Félag íslenskra náttúrufræðinga


Árnason Faktor



Efnís welcomes sponsors to the conference. There are the following options, but companies are also welcome to send us an e-mail (efnis1@gmail.com) with a different offer than suggested here.

  • Logo here online and banner in the program – 25,000 ISK
  • Advertisement in the online program (logo on here included)
    • 100,000 ISK for a full page advertisement and logo online
    • 50,000 ISK for a half-page advertisement and logo online
    • to reduce paper usage the program will be an online pdf, accessible here online and via links that will be advertised during the conference itself
  • A stand at the poster session of the conference – 25,000 ISK

Conference committee and contact information

You can contact us with any questions by sending an e-mail to efnis1 (at) gmail (dot) com

The conference committee is:

  • Anna Bergljót Gunnarsdóttir (Chair)
  • Adam Bauer
  • Benjamín R. Sveinbjörnsson
  • Steinar Birgisson
  • Vilhjálmur Ásgeirsson